Basic Fence Building Training

Training Program

Duration: 3 Weeks
Prerequisite: None

Program Start Date


What does the Basic Fence Building Training Program include?

Omnia Training's 3-week Basic Fence Building Training Program combines essential online theory with hands-on practical experience to prepare clients for the fundamentals of fence construction. The program begins with online courses covering safety protocols, tool usage, and key construction principles. In the practical field training, clients will learn to use carpentry tools, master measurement and cutting techniques, and gain hands-on experience in constructing and installing fence posts. The program culminates in practical exams, where clients will build a section of fence on their own, ensuring they are equipped with the skills needed for real-world fence building projects.

Training Program Outline:

We start with the online theory-based learning that provides the base of knowledge for the practical training and provides the learner with initial exposure to the position, understanding of terminology and technical theory. Below are the online courses to be completed on Absorb LMS:

  • Hazard Assessment and Controls Course
  • OH&S Legislation Course
  • Worker Competency Course
  • Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Course
  • Heavy Lifting Procedures
  • Right To Refuse Unsafe Work Course
  • Emergency Preparedness and Response Course
  • Workplace Harassment Course
  • Incident Response and Reporting Course
  • Incident Investigation Course
  • Traffic Control and Working in Residential Areas
  • Working Around Heavy Equipment Course
  • Working with Other Contractors
  • Portable Power Tools Course
  • Cutting Tools Course

Practical training is arguably the most essential component of our training because it provides real-world experience and one-on-one learning. This is where the elements for the training come together.

  • Introduction to basic carpentry tools and their uses.
  • Instruction on measurement, marking, and cutting techniques.
  • Hands-on practice in constructing simple structures or features.
  • The practical exam will involve students building an elevated planter.
  • Introduction to concrete mixing and framing basics
  • Hands-on construction of basic wooden structures.
  • The practical exam will involve students erecting and installing 3 fence post that are level, with the proper depth and spacing required
  • Students will all work on a fence together and learn requirements and permit requirements
  • The final practical exam will involve students building a section of fence on their own in a timely manner.

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